Monday, July 29, 2013

Don't Let Small Beginnings Stop You...

I'll admit, I am a creative person.  It is one of the things I enjoy about teaching.  I love creating new forms and ways for students to learn about something.  I remember that was one of the things when I worked as a teaching assistant that one of the teacher commented on.  In fact, I always got her art projects because of it.  When I was in grad school and working at the university preschool, I created a whole lesson and activity around "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes."  My roommate again commented on how creative it looked!  Once I started teaching back in 2007, I would always create things for my students to do.  A few years ago, the website, Teachers Pay Teachers started.   I remember looking at things and seeing, "Hey, I probably could do that."  I even had other teacher say, "Hey, you could probably do that."  But I was always afraid.  Afraid it wouldn't be good enough.  Afraid of failure.

There comes a time though, the time to stop being afraid.   There comes a time to take a leap of faith and just do what you know you can do.  I can use my creative abilities and trust that God will do the rest with my Teachers Pay Teachers store items.  I was trying to be too perfect, cover too much material, and basically start off with the million dollar product.  Instead, God gave me this verse a few weeks ago:  "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..."(Zechariah 4:10 NLT).  I felt that was a kick in the pants.  Start small, it is ok.  God just wants me to start.  So with that in mind, today I finally uploaded a Back-To-School math theme for my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  I've promoted it the best ways I know- through social media of Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.  It really is something small compared to most sellers, but you know what?  It is a start.  The store is open now.  I'm now looking at the next small step, and that is to complete the rest of the Back-to-School theme with a reading component by the end of this week.

It feels great to do something with the gifts God has given me.  It also feels really great to punch fear in the face and obey.  I'm excited to see what He does with these small beginnings, knowing that He will be faithful.


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