Thursday, August 8, 2013

More Small Beginnings...

Last week I posted about finally conquering fear and beginning my Teachers Pay Teacher store. In the post, I wrote about how God had given me a verse from Zechariah 4:10- "Do not despise the small beginnings.". Again the phrase of small beginnings came up as I read my devotion plan this morning over the life of Elisha. 

In this part of his life retold in 2 Kings 3:1-27, we see a huge conflict facing three kings. Their enemy Moab is rearing ahead to defeat them. The King of Israel is in a panic state. The King of Judah remains calm and asks the King of of Israel if there is a prophet, which invites God back into their situation. The King of Israel sends for Elisha, who tells the leaders that God wants them to dig ditches and then in the morning, it will be filled with water. All of that seems very small in perspective of the battle. God being the awesome and faithful God He is, sends water to full those ditches. Meanwhile, the Moabites see the water in the ditches and because the sun reflecting off the water, they think it is blood. They come to the conclusion the three kings fought and killed each other, so they head into Israel in a relaxed state, ready to plunder. Instead, when they get to Israel, the armies are waiting and they drive the Moabites out of Israel. Then the Israelites go into Moab and find victory there as well. 

A large, mind boggling victory came to the people of God after they started small. God told Elisha to tell the people His directions. The people followed, even though it may not have made sense. A victory happened in a way they could not have planned. 

I know that in my life right now I have acted more like the King of Israel than the King of Judah. I've looked at all the things I have to do to have my classroom ready. From reorganizing to lesson planning, my mind hardly slows down these days. I have a thousand ideas for my Teacher Pay Teacher store and not enough time to do it all. In my personal life, I feel like all I can see is defeat up ahead. I know I have been called to do some things specifically, and I've started to dig the ditches, but I won't lie, when I look with my eyes of flesh and not faith, I have no idea how that ditch will be filled with water.  Instead of hitting the panic mode, I need to be more like the King of Judah and invite God back into my situation. I need to stop feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. I need to be still and start small while listening to God's guidance in my situations. He will honor my small starts by coming into my life and "doing more than I could ever ask or imagine." (Ephesians 3:20)

I leave you all with this challenge. What Moab type forces are you facing? Write it down, give it a name. Pray about it and then be still. Invite God back into the situation.  Listen to the small start, the ditch digging guidance He is giving you. Go forward in that, and watch as God brings the victory into your life. 


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