Sunday, December 1, 2013

Receive and Prepare

December 1st is here. That means there are 24 days until Christmas. What are you doing to receive and prepare this season? 

Being a woman, I focus a lot on that word prepare when thinking about Christmas. To be really honest with you, much of that preparation doesn't focus on the true part of Christmas- celebrating when my Savior came to earth. Most often when I prepare, it is lists of gifts to buy for others, lists of cookies I want to bake, lists of decorations that may make it out of storage and into the house, lists of charitable donations, lists of plans for Christmas parties, lists of things to do in the classroom. You get the idea. Lots of preparation on the external things, but not a lot of heart preparation. And as far as receiving, well I don't prepare myself to receive anything. Which makes it awkward to get a present, because I answer with the old standard, "You shouldn't have."

As I've counting gifts of thankfulness to God this year, as I've let Him pursue my heart, as I've grown completely dependent upon Him, the Holy Spirit gave me a heart check this year. Amy, what if you stopped focusing on all the external things of Christmas? You know those things will get done. Stop and take some time to be still. Stop to really receive Jesus coming to earth. Like the carol, prepare room in your heart to be filled with Jesus.

This is my focus this year during the season of advent as we count down the days of Christmas. I want to have fresh eyes and ears as I focus on the story of Christ's birth. I want to receive it in a new way, a way to recharge myself. I want to prepare my heart to not be swallowed by busyiness, but to prepare it to be swallowed by the Spirit. Who is ready to join me as receive and prepare this Christmas season? 

Lord, soften all of our hearts to your Son this season. May we all receive your Spirit of Christmas and not the world's spirit of busyiness and commercialism. May we all take time to prepare ourselves to receive the King of Kings in our hearts. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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