Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday's List

Still counting are some from the past month:

1. Finally having the opportunity to see Les Mis with The Nurse, her fiancé, and Miss L. I loved this book when I read it back in high school. Hugh Jackman did a fantastic job as a man changed by Grace.
2. This quote: "From a bit of rejection, Satan can get anything from a mile of discouragement to a thousand miles of despair."- Beth Moore. It has helped me in the healing process of some old soul wounds. I am learning to run to Jesus and let Him bind up my brokenhearted spots and change the despair into hope.
3. I had two dads come and eat lunch with their children one day. I've seen dads come and pick their kids up from school, and I even had two dads come on our field trip. I am thankful to see so many dads actively involved in their child's life. It makes such a huge and lasting impact.
4. One night before serving in LifeKids, Miss LE and I prayed before it started for some very specific things for the babies. And God answered all of them more than we could imagine!
5. Being silly and watching "Pitch Perfect" after Miss M's acaawesome recommendation. I needed that laugh!!
6. I locked my keys in my car at Miss LE's house. No big deal, except that it was midnight. I was really, really hard on myself about it. Miss LE told me to look at what I could be thankful for: 1. I was at a friend's house, so I wasn't out somewhere. 2. We got to have a good old fashioned sleepover! All very true. And then since Miss LE lives over by a Dunkin Donuts, I got to have a donut the next morning. So three thankful things out of a situation I probably would have stayed annoyed for a long time about.
7. God was with me and I was able to cook green eggs and ham for 15 little hungry kindergarteners. I've never cooked for so many people before. However it went smoothly and we were able to have lots of fun on Dr. Seuss day! (I'm not sure what that experience will be used for later. Maybe I'm going to adopt/foster fifteen kids?)
8. Thankful that I had an impromptu lunch with Miss A this week. It's so nice to reconnected with kindred spirits. She even blessed me with some BB cream to try and some funky nail polish. She reminded me of some gifts God has blessed me with in His relationship with me. And we had a really good talk about women's roles in the church and Rachel Held Evans' new book. I'm intrigued to read it, because while I do enjoy her voice on things, I also don't agree with other beliefs she has. But I'm willing to read and see what she has to say.
9. I had a whole day off this week from teaching and tutoring this week. It was great to spend time with Mom and do some shopping. I found an Easter/wedding attending dress, which was great! And when I paid for it, it was another 40% off, which made my clothing budget really happy!
10. The biggest thing I've learned to be thankful for this month is that God has called me into a desert of sorts. Even though I've had some time to connect with friends, for a 'feeler' who had one of her top love language as quality time (the other is words of affirmation), it just hasn't been enough. Spring Break sort of helped, but then I had a paper to write for my Christian teacher certification, so I had to cancel lunch plans and other hanging out plans. Not to mention that working two jobs has limited my social time. (I'm not lamenting...I just keep telling myself Dave Ramsey's motto "Live like no one else now so I can live like no one else later.") so as a feeler, I just felt dry and empty as far as relationships go. But God has whispered to me that this time is for Him. Time to be focused on Him. Time to recalibrate to those rhythms of Grace. He has promised me over and over again these past few weeks that if I'm still, he can do his work in making a new way in my desert life right now. Just like the verse in Isaiah 43:19- "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." I do see things that have given me hope that God has begun to do a new work in my life. Normally, I would be a stiff-necked Israelite and not happy about this desert situation. Instead, I am opening my hands of thanks and trusting that God is doing what he promised...making a new river in my desert life.


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