Friday, March 1, 2013

Releasing Control, Pt.6

As I was becoming more aware of my need for repentance for my sin of control, wading through all the muck of it, God whispered His sweet Grace to me.  I felt so disgusting because to me, my sin of control is the worst in my eyes.  I'm trying to do the job of the Supreme Creator of the universe.  Who I am I that I should try to take over?  Who am I that thinks my way and  my desires are better than His ways and His desires for my life?  I am just an extra in the movie of God's life.  I was rolling around in the muck of all of this until last Thursday, when God blessed me with a snow day.

I woke up, reluctant to have my quiet time with God because I just couldn't face Him with the sin of control all over myself.  I felt like I had screwed so many things up with my desires.But God, in His graceful nature, just asked me to come to Him, to fall down at His feet and just experience His love.  I don't need to hide behind my self-imposed fig leaves.  He whispered so many sweet things to me, things to remind me of His love for me.  All I did was to sit and let the Holy Spirit come in and wash over me and make me clean again. Because of the snow day, I was able to sit uninterrupted and unhurried as I allowed healing to take place in my heart.  That night as I went to sleep, my heart was so full and at peace.

A few days later, as I was reading my 1000 gifts list for the year, I saw this scripture on my list:
       He forgives your sins—every one. He heals your diseases—every one. He redeems you from hell—saves your life! He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown. He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal. He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence. (Psalm 103:3-5 MSG)

I've personalized it to make it my own on this journey to release control:
      He forgives your sins Amy, every one, including the sins of pride.  He heals your diseases, every one, including the controlaholic.  He redeems you from hell, saves your life!  He crowns you with love and mercy, a paradise crown for His Beloved Princess.  He wraps you in goodness, you now have a beauty eternal.  He renews your youth, you're always young in His presence, and you can start over because He makes All Things New. 


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