Thursday, May 16, 2013

An Open Letter to the High School Class of 2025

(Today is kindergarten graduation. It sounds silly but it is the formal ceremony where we as teachers get to say good-bye to our precious students that have been entrusted to our care for the past school year.)

Dear My Special 15 Students in the Future Class of 2025,

   Wow, I can't believe that it is May already!  And your Miss L cannot believe that today is graduation.  Our time has gone by so quickly!  I guess the old saying is true that time flies when you are having fun.  Which I have had so much fun with you all this year!  I hope that you have had fun with me.  Do you remember all the times we have laughed at each other?  Like when we read The Gingerbread Cowboy?  You all loved it so much we read it three times!  Or remember when we laughed so hard at recess that one day when you said I should dress up like a princess?  And Veggie Tales.  We always laughed at Larry and Bob.  Oh, and how can I forget that when I read Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs and the Norwegian dinosaur sounded like the Swedish Chef?  You all cracked up.
   Each one of you has a special place in my heart. In fact, each one of you has helped me grow as a person and in my walk with the Lord this year.  I'll never forget you!   To the child who had to endure such great loss this year- you have taught me more about placing my complete trust in God.  You have a beautiful and knowledgeable spirit, I hope that it only flourishes as you get older.  To the one who didn't think you could do it- I've seen so many successes in you this year.  Keep going and keep trying, you'll get where you want to be, I promise!  To the child who loves our school so much, you have taught me more about grace and second chances than you'll ever know. Go out there and show others too!  To the child with the sunny smile, you have shown me that even though you are six, you can still take a Bible story and apply to your life.  It really is about having faith like a child.  To the child with the fierce prayers, I have never heard someone, including adults,  pray with such boldness and confidence.  You challenge me when I pray.  To the amazing child who lets nothing stand in the way- everything about you warms my heart and cements God-given dreams in my heart.  I see bright things ahead for you.  To the child whose intelligence is sometimes hidden- you have shown me that if we continue to seek it, it can be found.  Don't ever give up!  To the child who greeted me with a laugh and a smile every morning, I love your jokes and your sense of humor.  I'll always think of you and how you brought the laughs to our class.  To the shy smiling child, I will miss those sweet hugs you gave me all the time...and all your rainbow artwork!   To the child with the infamous grin, you are so smart!  Continue to focus in first grade and you'll go great places one day.  To the child with a servant's heart- you were so encouraging to others all year long.  You have a thirst for God that is admirable- don't ever lose it.  To the child with joy- continue to bring that with you where ever you go.  Our world needs more joyful spirits like you.  To the child that was always so precise- I'll never forget your precious smile or your tell-it-like-it-is way of talking.  You are a truth teller, don't ever lose that.  To the child who was definitely the most hospitable to all- you made your classmates into instant friends and you made your teacher feel so welcome at her new school this year.  I'm going to be lost without you next year!  To the sweet child, we made it!  You have shown me that fear can be conquered!  You are such a brave child!  Never lose that!
   This week has been a hard week for your teacher.  You see, everything we do is the last of something.  I've wanted to be sad, but instead I've been praying a verse about God's faithfulness.  God will be faithful to cover your lives as you grow up!  His faithfulness will protect you and keep you safe from harm.  My prayer for you, this class of 2025, is that you will grow into becoming a light to the world.  You all are smart, you can read, you can write, you can do math.  But most of all, you all each have a thirst and hunger for God.  We have had special times this year where we talked about words how they matter to God.  My words for you this year is that you would have discovered you are mighty warriors and mighty princesses of God.  I pray that the seed was firmly planted and will take root as you begin to find your identity in Christ as you grow up.  So, even though my heart is sad, I'm excited to watch you all grow up!  You all are each amazing people, truly I have never seen the words of Psalm 139:13 in action until this year.  You all are each unique individuals with bright futures up ahead.  I will be praying for you, as always, and if you ever need anything, let me know. I will do what I can to help.  After all, it is what love does.  And as Ellie said to Carl in Up, "Thanks for the adventure, now go and have one of your own!"

Miss L


Donna Gilson Leadford said...

Beautifully written! I'm so glad the Lord brought you to OCS and to these precious students. They were blessed to have you as their kindergarten teacher. As you were describing your children, I knew who you were talking about - in almost every case! You know your children well and see them as the unique children God made them to be!

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