If you are a new reader to my blog, I'll back up a bit to explain Eucharisteo and why it is all over my entries, tweets, and Facebook posts.
Last year, I saw God bless me in ways more than I could imagine. I also saw God tell me no in ways I didn't want to hear. God placed Ann Voskamp's 1000 Gifts in my life at the right time. I began to count the good gifts and tell God thank you. I began to count the hard times and the no's as gifts and tell God thank you. My heart began to change to live in the present. In fact, one of my words to focus on in my spiritual journey was Eucharisteo-Thanksgiving.
As we (hopefully) are celebrating thanksgiving to God today, I had to stop and reflect on the impact intentional thanksgiving has had on my life this year. I remember one day back in Feburary that was tough. It seemed like everything was not going well. I was ready to complain, to settle for negativity, but remembered to stop and give thanks to God for three things. When I did that, a few more flowed and I viewed the day with a better perspective. I remember the day The Nurse got married. I could have been filled with negativity and self pity. Instead, I was quietly counting gifts and being filled with joy. Thankful for her sweet letter to me. Thankful for how beautiful she looked. Thankful for how happy her and the bro-in-law are. I remember the day this summer I was so stressed out from tutoring and all I wanted was a Cherry Coke and I walked into Wal-Mart and there was a 20oz in the check-out cooler. Thankfulness. I think back to starting school again and feeling like I couldn't finish everything before meet the teacher day. God prompted me to ask my friends for help and they were there and together we finished it all. So very thankful. I remember feeling alone and asking God to bless me with some solid friendships and I'm thankful because I've gotten closer to do life with some awesome women. I'm thankful my pastor's wife is getting more involved with human trafficking, a darkness that permeates OKC. I've been praying for some wise and Godly people to rise up and take a stand. I'm even thankfulful God told me no in my dating life. It just means that His good and perfect (for me, Mr. Right will not be perfect, as I'm not either) gift is up ahead.
All of this, is as Ecclesiastes says, is accepting a gift from God. I've enjoyed my life and I've become content. Have I done this through focusing on myself? Nope. It was done by returning the thanks of the gifts back to the gift giver, God. I love the way the last verse reads, "God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past. (Ecclesiastes 5:20 NLT)". It is so true. When I take my eyes off God, I can easily slide down into self pity or traveling down the what-if lane. But when I stay present, counting gifts, I am enjoying life. Most importantly, I have learned to have a greater reverence for the sovereignty of God, I am more in love with God, and I trust Him more. God wants to give us gifts, and all He asks in return is for a thankful heart. Amazing, isn't it?
I encourage you today to find three things you are thankful for not only over the past year, but also today. Then wake-up tomorrow morning, and carry Eucharisteo with you. Watch for things to be thankful to God and be amazed at how much He loves you! Happy Thanksgiving!!