Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Prayer, Part 2

As I've continued to read The Circle Maker, I've found myself flip flopping on my opinion of it. There are some good points, however I'm not sure it's going to be a go to for me in prayer. Thoughts?

One thing I did like about Batterson's section titled "Praying Through" was the idea of incorporating praise into prayer.  In the book, he says to start praising God for the prayer being answered. All of the examples he gives end according to the person praying's desires. However, I've had a recent experience where that wasn't the case. But being able to praise God in my prayers let me deal with disappointment in a God honoring way.

I felt like things were at a stand still on three things I was requesting from God. I started to praise God for a lot of things I wanted to happen as if they already happened. That didn't feel genuine to me, so I just started to pray praises to God for who He is, not what I wanted Him to do.  Suddenly my shift in my prayers went from what I wanted to focused on God.  As God told me no on certain things, I was sad but felt a peace. I think it was because I know that God is in control. God is sovereign. If things didn't happen like I desired, it is because His ways are not only higher than my understanding but they are also BETTER.

Tonight, our LifeGroup met for a worship, word, and prayer night. As we mixed our prayers with the reading of The Word and the worship of God, the atmosphere changed. I know I felt tired and worn out when we started but at the end I was feeling better and full of HOPE.

My challenge to you is this: instead of making your prayer list a list of requests to God all the time, stop. Stop and spend some time refocusing on Him and who He is. You may not understand all of His ways and you may not be happy tomorrow. But worshiping and affirming the truth of God in your prayers will elevate them to where the enemy cannot touch and put them right in the palm of God's hands.  God will move in your heart and you will be recalibrated to His Rhythm of Grace. 


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