Monday, February 11, 2013

Changing 600 years of tradition!

The old religious studies major in me couldn't resist the opportunity to comment on the recent Papal Resignation.  I could hardly believe my Twitter feed this morning.  Then I thought about the YouVersion verse of the day:
     Proverbs 16:3- Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

I got in the car for my morning drive and then heard the KLOVE verse:
      Proverbs 3:6-6 Seek his will in all you do,  and he will show you which path to take.

I started to think about Pope Benedict XVI's stint as the leader for the Catholic Church in the context of these verses.  He had a big reputation to follow after one of the most beloved and longest popes, Pope John Paul II.  It would be a hard role to fill.  I believe that Pope Benedict XVI committed his papacy to the Lord.  For outsiders, it may be hard to see that he was a success, but I know for many conservative Catholics, and the Catholic Church as a whole, he helped to hold the church together and redirect the church in the face of negativity and naysayers.  Perhaps success isn't always what we think in our minds.  God's success might just look completely different.  Obviously, Pope Benedict knew his age and health would play a factor in guiding the Catholic Church, so he sought God and God showed him a different path to take, one that has not been taken in 600 years! Talk about stepping out in faith and walking on God's path.  Here is a man who knows that this is not the "normal" path to take.  Instead of letting tradition dictate where he should go, he let God show him, and is resigning.

I thought about this more in light of my journey to dependence on God.  Could I wake up every morning and commit my plans and actions to the Lord?  Could I commit them even they were radically different from what others expected?  Could I commit them, knowing that the success of them might come in the form of eternal success, not temporal success?  Could I seek God so deeply that if He leads me on an unexpected path, I could yield and follow what He has shown me?  After all, its not like I would be breaking against 600 years of tradition, is it? :-)

 Lord, let me be this committed and this bold for you.  Let me step out and commit all I do to you, no matter if it looks different than everyone else around me.


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