Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday's List: Changes Up Ahead!

Hello My Friends!

If you haven't noticed, or if you have, the blogs have become sparse the past four months.  Part of it is the season that I'm in right now with God.  It has been difficult and hard to process.  Before posting anything, I really wanted to wrap my head around it because if I blog out of feelings, I could say something I would regret.  Not only that, but I know God is asking me to become more public with some of my struggles, to help encourage others, and I've avoided it.  However, I feel like I'm in a good place to obey and move forward with some things.

If you personally know me, you know that I can be heavily interested in about, oh say, 40 different things at once.  Maybe I have ADD and I've never been formally diagnosed.  Maybe I want to live life to the fullest.  Whatever that may be, it is difficult for me to have a blog that focuses in only on one part of my life.  I'm making some changes in order to address all of my current interests and passions at the moment.  Some of the posts will stay familiar, while I am adding new topics for the week.  Hopefully this will be beneficial not only to myself, but to you my friends.  With that being said, here is how the blog is going to work:

Sunday- Soulful Sunday: A post about what is speaking to me in my relationship with God.  It may be a song, sermon, or something I read in the Bible.

Monday- Matchmaker Monday:  A post about how to be a Christian Single Woman and the unique journey I'm on to let God bring my husband in my life.

Tuesday- The Young Living Oil Test:  I've become hooked on YLO recently.  I've just become  a member, so one a week, I'm going to pick an oil, tell you what it is for and review it as well.

Wednesday- What is Entertaining Me Wednesday:  Just a short post on the book, movie, TV show, or music that is entertaining me this week.

Thursday- Thoughtful Thursday:  A post on something I'm contemplating for the week.  It could be how OKC needs a breakfast delivery service to an opinion about religious freedom.

Friday- Fresh Start Friday:  A blog dedicated to health and fitness.

Saturday- Saturday's List:  All the random stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else!

Cheers friends!  Hope you enjoy the reboot!



Unknown said...

Goodness! You're gonna be a busy woman with this schedule. Can't wait!
Xoxo Alli

Amy said...

Maybe not that busy Alli.. :-)

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