Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday: Letters, Does Anyone Write Them Any More?

Letters.  No, not the kind on your keyboard.  Or the ones you memorized in kindergarten.  I'm talking about a good old-fashion piece of paper or card that you wrote down your thoughts on, tucked inside an envelope, and then placed a stamp on the corner to mail through what is affectionately now known as "Snail Mail."

I think because I've read through Paul's letters lately and then found a stack of letters and cards I've saved through the years for encouragement, I've thought a lot more about the impact of handwritten cards and letters.  In today's world where we tweet, wall post, text and e-mail, I think that we have lost something important in communication.  Sure, it is instant and super gratifying to communicate with people all over quickly.  But a piece of handwritten mail is something you can pull out and read over again.  Part of the sender is right there with you via their handwriting.  You can see and tell part of their personality when looking at what they wrote.  To me, it signifies an intimate and personal connection, instead of Times New Roman for everyone.  To open a card or a letter, it is like a little present.  You don't know what is inside nor what it is going to say.  And, since I've been online dating, I realize that it doesn't take much to think about what to say in an email back and forth.  But when you write a card or letter, you think very intentionally about what to write.

My challenge to you this week:  Go write one card or letter to someone.  It won't take long, probably as much time as looking at your Facebook newsfeed.  You can drop it in the mail for a price lower than one gallon of gas.  You will put a smile on someone's face and joy in their step!


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