Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday's List

Book List

I've decided to keep track this year of the books I'm reading. I think it will be fun to look back on the list at the end of the year. If you have any recommendations, send them my way!

1. The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer: This one was a re-read for me. I loved it the first time I read it because it helped changed me from a "worse case" mindset to one that is victorious in Christ. I read it again on the advice of Miss K, to help get my mind free of Satan's accusations that "I'm crazy." Instead I've found that I have the mind of Christ that is rooted in His word and those words I can use to defeat Satan. Boo-ya Devil!! You better step off!
2. Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll: This was one I was familiar with because my parents read it when it first came out. I actually bought my copy as a gift for a friend who ended up already having it. So you could say it was a total Godincidence I ended up reading it. God really laid it on my heart to focus on grace these first few months of the year. It was a life changing book. I had so many legalistic mind sets dominating my walk with God. Not to mention a lot of past hurts from a lack of grace I couldn't receive that I needed healing for my heart. I can see why its a modern day classic and I highly recommend it.
3. Crazy Love by Francis Chan: This was another re-read. I took away a different perspective of God this time. The first time I read it, I remember my take away was that I needed to love others with more compassion and grace. See the Jesus in other people. This time I was hit with how big and powerful our God is. He is in control of my life, your life, and the entire stretch of time. His plan is not always for what we think is best or for our comfort, but rather for His best and for His glory to be made known. And it redeemed the word crazy for me.
4. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien: I started re-reading this after I saw the movie. I was working through some big personal issues with Jesus and I really didn't want to read a chick lit type book. I figured that it would be fairly distracting to read about fantasy characters of hobbits, dwarves, and Gollum. While enjoyable, as always, Jesus was using the character of Bilbo Baggins to show me my heart of control. Just like Bilbo's reluctance to go on the adventure, I too have a reluctance when God calls to me to come to him. I'd rather stay in my hobbit hole, with the assurance of a second breakfast. But if we step out with God, who knows all he things he could use us for...just like Bilbo. (Disclaimer: unlike Mr. Baggins I do not have hairy feet nor would my height qualify me for hobbit status. It's purely a heart thing.)
5. Pursued by Jud Wilhite: I've just started this little gem. I'm only 20 pages in and God is blowing my mind away. When I was praying about my words for this year, wrapped up in the idea of dependence was the fact that I needed to let God pursue me. When I saw this book came out and had such a meaningful word to me right now, I knew I had to read it. Now, I'll be honest, I haven't been the most gung-ho about it, but I know it's truth will be life changing. Plus, it is endorsed by all of my favorite pastors and teachers.

Your turn. What are you reading this year?


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