Thursday, June 20, 2013

God's Pursuit of Us

On Tuesday, I mentioned the book Love Does by Bob Goff. I wrote that one of my favorite chapters was when he pursued his wife. I wanted to tell you why today. 

In the book, Bob has this radar, maybe even the Holy Spirit, that goes off as soon as he sees his Sweet Maria. The same thing didn't happen for Sweet Maria, so Bob spends three years pursuing her...and often not in a very traditional way.  His first grand gesture was a giant Valentine's Day card followed by a string of PB&J sandwiches. I won't give too many details away, as I think everyone should go read the book. At the end of the chapter, Bob says that because of what he went through with Maria, he is more in tune with the ways God is continually pursuing us.

I love that idea. God didn't just pursue us one time. You know, the idea that God woos us until we make a decision to follow Him. After that, no more pursuit until heaven. What a trap I think we can fall into! God pursues us every day, all day. We have just have our eyes open to experience it and take it in. I know that for me, becoming an intentional gift counter has helped me to see God's love for me everyday.

An example of this great pursuit happened yesterday. I was really tired for some reason when I woke up. I also wasn't in the best mood because I was struggling with some old thorns, and I was having to take those thoughts captive. As I was reading my Bible, just the right verse popped out at me. I knew God was pursuing me, telling me His truth about me. Then on the way to work, I looked up at the sky, and the clouds just seemed to make a beautiful heart shape in the sky. I knew God did they for me, like a giant Valentine card, reminding me how much He loves me. I am His and He is mine. Right before I got out of the car, one of my favorite songs came on the radio, and I knew God just wanted me  to know that even though I was tired, that old habits may never completely go away, I am still loved by Him. His grace covers and strengthens me. And, He pursues me every day, I just have to have my eyes and heart open to it.

Go, go open your eyes. Open your heart up to the art of being pursued by the God of the Universe. Delight in His love for you. God may have touched my heart through His word, His creation, and music for me because He knows that my creative heart is more tuned into those things. But for you it might be different the way He pursues you. It could be in a variety of ways. And if you feel like you can't see it, be honest with Him and ask Him. God will be faithful and show you that He is pursuing you with His mighty love everyday. 


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