Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Do I trust God or not?

     The Bible is filled with stories of humanity putting their trust in God.  It all sounds so awesome because most of the time, we see the people making choices to trust God and then God delivers.  However, I've found my trust journey to be a little more grey than black and white.
     I have been blessed to work with some very wise women this year, the wisest one being Mrs. A.  Mrs. A is an awesome teacher has has great classroom advice.  But even more than that, she is a great council and example of a Christian woman.  During a lunch with her one day back in January, she was telling our team that it all goes back to this question, "Do I trust God or not?"  She said she uses this simple question to remind herself of where and who she trusts in, even if she is facing physical harm like a giant angry pit bull.
     I'm a recovering chronic worrier.  Mrs. A's question, "Do I trust God or not?" has helped me to lay down my worrying thoughts.  When I have been confronted with a fear or start to worry about something that is completely out of my control, I stop and ask myself that question.  For example, I tried to get a flu vaccination when I went to the doctor two weeks ago.  However, they were out.  Which isn't great when you teach and the children have been more than generous in sharing the flu among themselves.  I started to panic that I was going to get the flu when the question came to mind: "Do I trust God or not?  Will He not take care of me so I can stay healthy? Or if I do get sick, will He not take care of me then?"  I had to stop worrying, say a prayer asking God to protect me from getting sick, thanking Him for taking care of me, and then move on.  If I trust Him, then there is no sense in me spending my time worrying.  After all, He has given me that time to use for Him wisely, and I'm not going to squander it in an anxious whirlwind.  Do I trust God or not?  Do you  trust God or not?


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