Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday's List

This week's list is based around funny stuff:

1. On Stuffed Animal Day at school, the kiddos were playing with their animals wildly and I said, "Those stuffed animals are hyper. We may have to put them away." A boy in my class said, "Maybe they should take their medicine to calm down."
2. Some of the kids I tutor are hilarious! There is a 4th grade boy who has a crush on an older 6th grade girl...his "line" was to point at her purity ring and say, "I like your ring, are you married?" You go little man, you get that older woman.
3. Speaking of those hilarious kids, one little guy walked in with some new KD high tops and said, "I got new shoes. Do you even know who Kevin Durant is?"
4. Yesterday was Fun Friday Centers, and the kids had a great time making stuff for February. In the midst of the organized chaos and hoopla, a boy came running up to me and said, "Miss L, I know I just went to the bathroom, but I need you to believe me, I have to go poop." Go, go. I believe you. It cracks me up at the lack of filters kindergarteners have sometimes.
5. Driving around OKC with Miss LE and singing and car dancing to the great hits of the 90s. Let's just say we rocked out to some Destiny's Child..."Call AOL and make my email stop..."
6. Laughing today at lunch with Miss LE and Miss J. It's good to have friends that make you smile and also tolerate your quirks. Especially if you suggest that a giant bottle of hot sauce would make a great mantel piece.
7. Cracking up when I visited another classroom this week, and I get hugs from kids that normally don't say two words to anyone. One of them I think I formed a bond with one day when I told him that I knew not only who Clark Kent/ Superman is, but I dressed up like Supergirl for Halloween. The other I guess just needed to tell me he was going to the dentist. Kids are so strange! But I love it!
8. Finding out that your dog can too have prescription medication at Wal-Mart. Hilarious.
9. Laughing at how I had plans for my day and God totally interrupted them. Joy instead of complaining, it's all for His Glory, right?
10. Christian Amish Romance novels. Why is this even a genre? Come on, are the Amish even allowed to date?!?


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